Hi, I am Lucca!
A Full Stack Developer
from Germany
(Me, coming out of a snowstorm)

In the last 6 years I ...

...built Full Stack Web Apps for one of the biggest car manufacturers in Germany.
(TS/React, Java/Spring)
...worked on CI/CD for one of the most successful German luxury fashion businesses.
(Gitlab CI/Terraform/AWS)
...wrote DevOps Software.
(Clojure/Pallet )

I am passionate about ...

... software as a craft.
I am studying the best bits of multiple design approaches (from machine-focused to human-focused to business-focused) to get better at creating robust, understandable and timely software.
... learning and the mind.
Cognitive augmentation tech is still in its infancy but its necessity will just increase in the future. The untapped psychological potential in the world is a tragedy. To learn is to live.